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Partial Fraction Decomposition with the Ti-84 Plus (CE)

Explanation of a special Basic program for PFD that can used for solving integrals and inverse Laplace. 

The Partial fraction decomposition program is a special Ti84 Basic program and very useful for Electrical and mechatronic Engineering (inverse Laplace transformation, integrals). Study the three examples and download the software onto your TI-84 Plus CE, and enjoy. Knowledge of the theory of partial fraction decomposition is required. The program is only a tool to safe time and effort. More information of the theory you can find on :                                                                     

example of 4 fractions
Partial fraction decomposition of 4 terms
results produced by the program: 4 terms


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partial fraction decomposition of 4 fractions
Partial decomposition with the Ti84 basic program
example of 2 fractions
Partial fraction decomposition of 2 terms


Take care to use the brackets correctly on your TI and to substitute 1 for N3 and N4 if you have only two fractions, and N4=1 if you have only three fractions.

If you make a wrong choice of the partial fractions, the program will give:" Wrong choice" as result. Be aware that the degree of the denominator  should be greater than the degree of the nominator.

Calculating an integral of a first degree fractional function using the partial fraction
decomposition program


The partial fraction decomposition program can also be used as a step to solve integrals. We give an example of a first fractional function which has to be integrated. Assume next problem.  

integral with first degree fraction
results calulated with Ti Basic program for partial fraction

​The Ti program gives as result a=3,b=5 and therefore (6x+5)/(2x+1)=3 + 2/(2x+1) and 

integral solution of a first degree fraction using Ti84 program

It is clear that the program PARTFRACD.8xpp is a powerful tool.If problems occur, it is advised to install the program ADEFAULT.8xp which cleans up your TI 84.

Download the program PARTFRACD.8xp:  

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