Creating Function generator signals with Ti-84 plus CE
Get insight into the Function generator program.
The program Funcgen.8xp general information
In electrical engineering, the function generator is an important tool for testing electric circuits. Most function generators have sinusoidal, square wave, triangular, and pulse generators available. With the program Funcgen these signals can easily be generated.
The Function generator (signal builder) output can be used as input for various programs.
With the program FUNCGEN you have a signal builder which easily generates mathematical functions such as triangle, block signals etc. This program can be used as an input signal for several other programs, such as calculating TRMS, average values of signals or as input for the solver of first and second order differential equations and Fourier Analysis.
As the output produces only the signal once for 1–2 periods, it is not usable if a number of periods are needed, for example when transients of more than 10 periods have to be calculated. For steady-state signals, a special program, FUNCST1.8xp, has been developed. This program is explained in more detail later on the page.
How does the program Fungen.8xp work
The program Fungen allows you to define a function with up to 6 parts. The parts can be defined easily. Let us define a trapezoidal function which exist of 5 part with an amplitude of 1, a period time of 8 sec. a slope of 1 and -1. See the figure below with the table of the functions of the 5 parts. Defining the parts is simple because each part is defined as if it starts at X=0 as you can check in the example .

To show the power of the program we define a mix of functions such as linear, cosine, parabolic all in one function.
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The Square/pulse wave generator FUNCST1.8xp steady state
With the program FUNCST1.8XP, a continuous square wave can be generated and used as input for several programs, such as the first and second order differential equation solver. You can choose for 4 pulse width:
20 %, 50 %, 80 % and 100 %. For example, a square wave (50 %) of 3 periods and a pulse wave (20%) is shown with a period time of 0.1 sec. This function is stored in the function Y6 which is chosen as the general input channel for several programs such as the differential equation solvers, Fourier, TRMS etc.

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